Wednesday, April 14, 2010

shades of pink.

the sakura (cherry blossoms) have come & gone. there are now more pink & white pedals on the ground & in the rivers than there are on the trees, which makes me a bit sad. but, no worries - i took amazing photos of sakura this year. i ventured all over japan, down to the izu peninsula & out west to osaka in order to take as many photos as possible. unfortunately, it seemed every time i planned to take pictures of sakura, it rained. however, i happened to get great shots of these beautiful trees in the rain & fog. isn't it incredible how many different shades of pink sakura have?


TRACIE! said...

leah I miss you! you never commented on my facebook note ya jerk. lol. but anyway, I'm leaving Boston if you didn't know. And I have a blog now! So follow it!

Kristin H said...

My brother just had his honeymoon in Japan and this season must be just fantastic. Looking at the pictures they look drugged by the beauty.

Rose said...

Absolutely beautiful! I want to make a print and frame that center one. I was singing the Sakura song (children's japanese folk song ) to my pre-schoolers yesterday as we brought in a large branch and glued wads of pink tissue paper to the branches, so it was a treat to see this today!

Love you Bell.....47 days and counting