i can't stand living in an empty space. wherever i move, i immediately unpack my picture frames & wall artwork before unloading my clothes into the closet. to me, a picture frame on a shelf, or painting hung on a wall is what makes a house a home. when i moved to japan, i left my frames, art, photos & books in dozens of boxes in my parents attic (clearly, i didn't have room for these in either of my suitcases). however, this didn't stop me from decorating my japanese apartment.
soon after i moved, i decided to transform one of my apartment walls into a collage/wallpaper/mural. it all started with a single map of my town & snowballed into a gigantic wall of memories. overtime, i tacked various museum brochures, city maps, business cards, photos, gifts & letters to my wall: top to bottom, right to left. what do you think?
Wow! This is impressive. I once had an entire wall covered in photos (of friends, family)...so I know exactly what you mean.
Glad to have you back! Your wall is amazing! Remember when you were just putting it up? Wow time flies. We'll be outta here in no time..personally I have made a facebook countdown...haha maybe it'll help you too!
Mh, mh, mh... your blog looks just beautiful! Remember when you asked me all these questions when you first set it up? Love, love, LOVE the sepia-ish looking filter you apply to your pictures (at least that's what I think it is. Or is Japan just a sepia-ish looking country? Wouldn't sursprise me). And: I just love how your photographs allegorize just everyday life in Japan, yet subliminally carry so much spirit and wonderfulness (oh my, interesting diction). I still use the picture of the bicycles with the attached surfboard racks you sent me as my desktop background!
Keep On, Keepin' On!
P.S.: The 3rd picture of your "my life, my
That is a VERY cool wall!
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