Friday, June 26, 2009


since my last post, far too much time has passed. during that time many life changing events happened: both tragic & exciting; some unexpected & some planned. each occurrence has made an immense impact on my life & taught me how precious
life (& everyone in it) truly is.
life is beautiful! & thats the truth.


how i adore them. my favorite thing is finding an unbelievable pattern in a secret tree, fence or random textile. living in japan has allowed me to discover incredible textures, & i want to share with you some of my favorites i managed to capture.

as usual, i miss you all,think of you daily & am sendin' all my lovin' to you....


Anthea said...

Amazing! I am so glad you posted something! I look for updates all the time..we all need your fabulous design advice of course!! Have so much fun in Tokyo !

Jody said...

Wow! Your photos are lovely. Inspiring.

ann.elise said...

Yay, a new post! I check all the time to see if you've left an update that I can live vicariously through. I love you SO much and am extremely jealous of Linda! Tell her I love her too!

leah bell said...

thanks for reading!! more to come...x

Hayley Rose Davis said...

I'm always so happy to see how you find beauty in the small things of life. Really proud of my sister & I think about you every day!